The following is last minute information that was not included in the Help file. POWER VR When using the Power VR 3D accelerated option, you may experience flickering on the screen between what appears to be a frame from the current mission and a frame from the mission last played. Hitting the ESC key should refresh the screen and eliminate this problem. Also, you may experience problems with black boxes appearing behind textures that have transparency. This is a result of using old drivers for your 3D card. Please make sure you are at least using version 4.1 drivers, which should be available at or CANOPUS PURE 3D CARDS When playing in Glide mode (native 3Dfx) on this card, you may experience problems with textures being displayed wrong. There are two workarounds to this problem. (1) You can play in Direct3D mode, or (2) You can add SET SST_TMUMEM_SIZE=2 to your autoexec.bat and restart your machine. This will allow you to play in Glide mode without the problem. CUTSCENES When playing in a 3D accelerated mode, you may notice a quick flicker between cuts during the movies. Unfortunately, there is no solution to this problem. GRAPHIC DETAIL OPTIONS IN 3D ACCELERATED MODE When playing in a 3D accelerated mode, the Terrain Textures, Clouds and Horizons graphic detail options are locked to the ON position. If you bring up the ESC menu while in the shell (as opposed to during a mission), you will be able to change the toggle for these options. However, the options will remain on once you enter a mission. INTERNET CONNECTION When players try to host Internet games while experiencing more than 20% packet loss, they will be able to launch into games but the games will not show up on the server for other players to see. They should reconnect to their internet provider and ping the Nitro servers at the prompt in the MS-DOS box, e.g., ">ping -t" and check to see if their connection improved. KICKING PLAYERS FROM MULTIPLAYER GAMES Instead of using CTRL + (# of player) to eject a player, use CTRL+ (# of player) minus one to eject the player. For example, if the host screen has 'H, 2, 3, ...' on the screen and the host wants to kick the second player from the game, the host has to use CTRL+1 to kick the second player from the game. HOST MIGRATION IN MULTIPLAYER GAMES If the current host and player next in line to become host simultaneously quit a multiplayer game, you may experience random problems in the game afterward. It is best to just start a new game when this happens. WEAPONS LABEL Occasionally, the weapons cockpit display may disappear after being killed and/or host migration in multiplayer games. Hitting the ESC key will refresh the screen and eliminate this problem.